Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Barcelona and the Mediterranean are spread out behind me
After three days in Barcelona we have failed in our search for a bad meal; can’t even find a mediocre one.  In fact, every bite of every meal is excellent.  And the red wine is superb as well as cheap.  Spain may have 25% unemployment and an economy that is ready to collapse but you couldn’t tell it from all the locals we meet.  They are uniformly polite, helpful and friendly.  The streets are clean, the traffic and pedestrians are well-mannered and the subway system is outstanding.  It is easy to get around the city.  We love the shop windows and ubiquitous street entertainers.  The streets are full of beautiful, dark eyed Spanish girls flaunting their gorgeous long legs with short skirts.  Babe informed me of that fact because now that I am married I, of course, didn’t notice.  Welcome to Spain.
One of the many entertainers frequenting the streets

I had visited here a year ago for work and fell in love with this vibrant city located on the shores of the Mediterranean.  Unfortunately, all three of the guys I traveled with then had their pockets picked so we are on guard and have no problems.  That is the only downside of Spain: they have a petty theft problem that is undoubtedly exacerbated by the poor economy.  That, and the fact that seemingly everyone smokes.  Although smoking is banned inside most buildings, you encounter it everywhere; whether having a bite to eat at a sidewalk bistro or just walking down the street.  The cost to their health care system must be significant.
Casa Batlló
Like most of our travels, our trip to Spain was meticulously planned.  Three weeks before the trip I bought plane tickets to/from Barcelona.  Four days before leaving I rented a car.  The day before we caught our flight from San Francisco we reserved a hotel room for our first night.  That’s it.  No agenda, no additional planning other than we brought climbing equipment and checked the 10-day weather forecast.  Life is short and best lived on edge.  It is nice to have found a partner that flows so easily with that style.
Storefront window, typical of the main boulevard La Ramba
Unlike most of my overseas travel locations the past few years (Egypt, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe), we are surrounded by American tourists.  Even Canada seemed to have far fewer Americans running around.  The Spaniards make it easy by including English on most signage, while I am making every effort to speak Spanish.  Either way, it is a piece of cake to communicate.
Barcelona features the incredible genius of the famed architect Antoni Gaudi.  His unique creations reflect a modernistic approach to design fused with his intense Catholic beliefs.  They are stunning, fascinating, fun and hugely influential throughout Barcelona and Spain (if not the world).  Gaudi’s gothic inspiration coupled with his unique use of light, profound attention to detail, immense practicality and innate environmental sensitivity are unparalleled.
A day in the park
La Sagrada Familia
La Sagrada Familia (The Holy Family), the large church in the center of the city is probably his most famous work.  His vision for that work, which seems to tell the whole story of the Bible in its statues and shapes, is still being constructed today as they work to complete the church.  It is a magnificent building but not our favorite.  We particularly love the immense Parc Güell and spend most of a day wandering through the park, marveling at every detail.  Casa Batlló is another of our favorites.  Not to be missed if you visit this remarkable city.
La Sagrada Familia renovation
Parc Güel.  Notice the attention to detail on next photo
Beautiful, highly functional railing/bench/gutter goes on for several hundred yards
Dali's Lady Godiva
Dali humor
I am a sucker for art of all kinds, so we spend a day at a museum devoted exclusively to the works of Salvador Dali.  Thanks to a mother that made sure her children grew up with an appreciation of art, Babe is a willing companion and equally appreciates the mastery we encounter.  At one point we find ourselves alone for an extended period in a darkened room that contains a number of Dali sculptures.  You can probably guess what happens next....  Spend 10 minutes with his work and there is no doubt Dali would have approved.  His erotic and fantastic images are some of my favorite.
Dinner plate emphasizes Dali's work in numerous media
Walking the streets of Barcelona for three days it is hard to imagine a more beautiful city. We are sad to leave it.
Elegant pharmacy

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